Iannotate Doesnt Let Me Continue Writing

Developer (1 edit)

Step event to progresss with S'ramiDid you talk to S'rami 'before' getting down further? I had created a step event where you 'must' have S'rami in the party before going down. Otherwise it will ignore it. From the dev perspective.

Just te talk when she says something in "Spanish" and then she joins, there was no more options to talk, after i go down there's no events till i get where the two elves that i didn't see before start speaking

Usually how it works is, To get in the Underdark first, you need the Amazon in the party (which you need to recruit to progress), then after you have to go back to the Player's house BEFORE going in the Underdark,  then after talking to the MC's mom, you can go to the Underdark for the 1st visit, then you must talk to S'rami BEFORE going down the dungeon lower levels and then she joins the party, after that you can use the 'V' key  button to sneak past some enemies... then you should eventually reached the Tentacle monster autorun/step event and then after that event the other step event with the two dark elves conversation stabbing the player to sleep. You current save file might have switches that are not properly activated and it leads to issues.

I did as you say, the first time i talked to S'rami and she joined, i didn't use V key cuz i went fighting every enemy but got that bug in the end, then i restarted the game from 0 and did the same but this time i used V key to not to get caught by enemies, yet the bug still the same, cuz as you can see in the pictures i don't get to the tentacle monster before that bug happen, it's actually in that floor but before getting to the tentacle part, i uploaded my saves here so you can see that i'm not lying, 1 is before even S'rami has joined, and the other is after she's in the party and close to the 4F, and btw if i press V even if S'rami is not yet in the group sneak can be used.



I loaded your save file (12) to my own game saves folder, and from what I saw is that there is  a parallel event that is playing too early for where you are. Skipping the other events. I'm fixing this issue by adding extra an switch and changing it to an autorun event instead. So it doesn't play out the wrong event.

Thank you, so it was an event that triggered before time :0

Sorry to trouble you!

Developer (1 edit)

Yeah, I found the issue. What I found strange is you had the Variable : S'rami Stuck at 2 (which caused the parallel event to take over others) because WaronTaramiel switch should only be active if you're way later in game, to be able toenter the Succubus lair in the first place which set it at 0. So, it's as if you had enter a Succubus lair and exited it.but when I looked up

and see the next image at sramistuck at =2 it's activate in your save file somehow and it's what cause the issue when it should be at 0.

(I just noticed it, but also MaidSave should be at 0 too since it needs WarOnTamariel on to be activated before the Maid Save variables)

Holy cow, so there was a lot of things that are somehow with values that they shouldn't, uh i don't think i've done something different than following the story, but still how can it be set to 2 twice? i mean i even restarted the game from 0 and did less things to avoid that to happen but still got the same bug D:


Source: https://itch.io/t/2332716/bug-doesnt-let-me-continue

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